Gloucestershire Geology Trust


West Gloucestershire Carboniferous Aggregates Project

[Completed March 2007. Supported through Defra’s Aggregates Levy Sustainability Fund]

The project concentrated on the aggregate producing rocks of West Gloucestershire, and was a forerunner to the West Gloucestershire LGAP Project. There were two main aims that consisted primarily of data recording and interpretation, and outreach and education.

The data recording studied the geological history highlighted by aggregate sites and identified areas and issues of interest and importance to geodiversity. It defined the types of rocks used to produce aggregate, and the potential recreational, educational or conservation uses of sites.

The outreach part of the project aimed to demonstrate the geodiversity value of aggregate sites and improve geological knowledge, awareness and appreciation of them by the public, quarry operators, authorities, corporate bodies and the
scientific community.

Contact GGT for more details on 01452 864438 or

Gloucestershire Geoconservation Trust.  Registered Charity Number: 1115272. © 2024 All Rights Reserved.