New Sites Database and Geographical Infromation System (GIS) - A real step forward into the 21st century. Currently our records are nearly all just paper copies of site survey forms. This project aims to create a specially designed database of sites, from which we can search for sites, features, formations, fossils etc and bring up reports on each site quickly and easily.
An extremely valuable addition to this new database will be the use of GIS, with a package that will allow us to plot exact site boundaries, search for sites within a given geographical area, and provide information more quickly and efficiently to all our users, from councils to the general public. |
The Geopark Way
The Geopark Way project has established a landscape and geology based walking trail through the Abberley and Malvern Hills Geopark, and published an accompanying trail guide, divided into 17 easy sections....
Targeting the Gaps in Gloucestershire RIGS –
(Supported by Natural England through Defra's Aggregates Levy Sustainability Fund)
The number of site records held by the Geological Records Centre is now in excess of 300, but we realise there are still major gaps in our records, most notably relating to Quaternary depoits ans features... |
SItes Database & GIS –
(Supported by Natural England through Defra's Aggregates Levy Sustainability Fund)
The creation of a new sites database, and the linking of it to a Geographical Information System (GIS) will bring the records centre right up to date... |
Daglingworth Quarry Interpretation –
(Commissioned by Hanson)
Hanson have produced a Geodiversity Action Plan for Daglingworth Quarry, which identifies a need to provide interpretation of the site. They approached GGT with a proposal to produce an interpretation board to be installed at a viewpoint overlooking the quarry... |
The West Gloucestershire Geodiversity Audit and Local Geodiversity Action Plan (LGAP) – Read more...
(Completed: March 2008, Supported by Defra's Aggregates Levy Sustainability Fund)
This project forms part of the development of a Local Geodiversity Action Plan (LGAP) for the county of Gloucestershire. The geology and landscape of Gloucestershire can be generally defined in three distinct areas; the Cotswolds, the Severn Vale, and West Gloucestershire. The county... |
Gloucestershire RIGS Designation –
(CCompleted: March 2008, Supported by Defra's Aggregates Levy Sustainability Fund)
The aim of this project was to identify, survey, photograph and validate between 30 – 40 RIGS in Gloucestershire, at least 75 percent of which will be either working or disused aggregate sites or located in geological formations that would... |
Cotswold Geodiversity Trails –
(Completed: March 2008, Supported by Defra's Aggregates Levy Sustainability Fund)
This project aimed to highlight the significance of geodiversity in the Gloucestershire Cotswolds through the production of a free leaflet, to be used as a visitor resource, explaining the link between geology, landscape, history and heritage... |
Huntley Quarry Geology Reserve –
(Stage 1 completed March 2008. Supported by Ibstock Cory Environmental Trust)
The Forest of Dean now has a unique geological site at Huntley. Around 440 million years ago a unique set of rocks, the Huntley Quarry Beds, was formed from an unusual combination of volcanic and sedimentary processes at a continental plate boundary. This was a time when... |
Stony Furlong & Lower Chedworth Trail –
(Supported by Gloucestershire Environmental Trust)
This project carried out conservation work on the SSSI at Stony Furlong railway cutting, providing a new access route to the site, and produced a Gloucestershire Uncovered Trail Guide for the geology in the cutting, and the landscape of the Chedworth Valley... |
West Gloucestershire Carboniferous Aggregates Project –
(Completed March 2007. Supported through Defra’s Aggregates Levy Sustainability Fund)
The project concentrated on the aggregate producing rocks of West Gloucestershire, and was a forerunner to the West Gloucestershire LGAP Project. There were two main aims that consisted primarily of data recording and interpretation, and outreach and education... |
Gloucestershire Cotswolds Geodiversity Audit and LGAP –
(Completed May 2005. Supported by MIRO and the Aggregates Levy Sustainability Fund)
This project forms part of the development of a Local Geodiversity Action Plan (LGAP) for the county of Gloucestershire. The geology and landscape of Gloucestershire can be generally defined in three distinct areas; the Cotswolds, the Severn Vale, and West Gloucestershire... |