Gloucestershire Geology Trust


Daglingworth Quarry Interpretation


(Commissioned by Hanson Heidelberg Cement Group)

Hanson have produced a Geodiversity Action Plan for Daglingworth Quarry, which identifies a need to provide interpretation of the site. They approached GGT with a proposal to produce an interpretation board to be installed at a viewpoint overlooking the quarry, and an interpretation leaflet for local distribution.  GGT have been contracted to research, design and produce the interpretation board and leaflet.
The board will be located on the bridleway to the NW of the site and Hanson have already cleared a viewing area for it.

Daglingworth is the site of some important fossil discoveries, including the first dinosaur trackways found in Gloucestershire, a Cetiosaur thigh bone (like the one in the picture), a rich bed of echinoids (sea urchins) and the red algae Solenopora.

Download the Daglingworth Quarry Information Leaflet here

Daglingworth Quarry Leaflet


Gloucestershire Geoconservation Trust.  Registered Charity Number: 1115272. © 2024 All Rights Reserved.