Recording, Conserving and Promoting our Rocks & Landscape
Who We Are
Gloucestershire Geology Trust (GGT) is a registered charity, a founder member of The Geology Trusts and one of the leading geoconservation organisations in the country. The Trust was set up in 1992, with the aim of surveying and recording Regionally Important Geological Sites (RIGS).

What We Do
GGT also carry out conservation work on important geological sites; we hold the Geological Records Centre for the county;
produce a variety of guides and publications;
run a highly successful Rock & Fossil Roadshow programme and offer a variety of events throughout the year.

In addition to these services, we are able to deliver adviceand information relating to geology and geoconservation matters, as well as practical SSSI and RIGS geoconservation work. We have become the key point of Specialist Earth Heritage Conservation advice in the county.
For more information follow the links on the left, or contact us directly.

To help raise funds for Gloucestershire Geology Trust go to
By registering Gloucestershire Geology Trust as your chosen cause, and using the links from the
easyfundraising web site, you can shop online and raise donations to the trust from the retailers you shop with.
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